Top 10 Up and coming programming languages.

Top 10 Up and coming programming languages.


Lua is a fast and lightweight scripting language. The word ‘lua’ means ‘moon’ in Portuguese, as the language is developed and maintained by the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil. Lua supports the procedural, object-oriented, and functional programming paradigms.

As the primary focus on Lua is for scripting, it is rarely used as a standalone programming language. Instead, it is used as a scripting language that can be integrated (embedded) into other programs written in mainly C and C++. It also supports other programming languages via third-party plugins (NLua/KeraLua for .NET/C#).

Importantly, Lua does not require complex rewrites to be compatible with other programming languages. Lua can be used with primary programming languages like C, C++, Java, C#, etc.. and other scripting languages like Perl and Ruby, further extending its usability.


That said, Swift is compatible with existing Objective-C libraries. There’s no problem with writing new modules in Swift that interoperate with existing Objective-C code bases. That may make Swift attractive if you’ve already built a considerable skill base in Objective-C, too.

Swift is a programming language for iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, and watchOS that is powerful and easy. Swift code is interactive and exciting to write; the syntax is simple yet expressive, and Swift incorporates modern features that developers appreciate.

4. Swift is incomplete. The language that’s available today isn’t the finished product. Apple is still working on it, and it’s highly likely that new features will be added over the coming months. While it may well be worth coding in Swift to familiarize yourself with the language, to do so you’ll need to use Xcode 6 beta and the iOS 8 SDK (also in beta). And don’t forget: Apple’s app stores won’t accept apps built with Swift until it first releases Yosemite and iOS 8.


This languane is a general-purpose programming language that is completely interoperable with Java and supports functional programming. Kotlin is used most commonly to develop Android apps, web applications, desktop applications, and server-side applications. It’s the ideal language for anyone interested in those careers.

This language a new object-oriented first-class programming language ranking with multiple advanced features. Kotlin is unique in that it supports almost all the IDEs, including Android Studio and SDK toolkit. Due to its quite concise and perceptive syntax, it is easy to learn, and fewer bugs can be found in the code.

This language is not listed in the best new programming languages according to Statista, but its popularity for developing Android Apps is fantastic. It is also used for JVM and is 100% interoperable with Java. The history of Kotlin started back in 2011 as a new language for the JVM. On February 15, 2016, Kotlin v1.0 was released by JetBrains. Kotlin is a ‘modern, concise and safe programming language’ as the language creators say. Such companies as Udemy, Slack, Tinder, Alibaba Travel use Kotlin for development.


Node.js is an environment that allows you to execute JavaScript code server-side. It is event-driven and asynchronous. It is extremely fast, and while it is single-threaded, it is highly scalable. For these reasons, Node.js is extremely popular and has a large community. Node.js is especially valuable because it offers the ability to use Javascript everywhere: front-end, middle-tier, or server-side.

NextJS is leading the charge here and the approach is interesting, to say the least. You can use it to produce a purely statically rendered site so it can live at the edge and be blazing fast, you can incorporate some server-side rendered aspects where needed and throw in some API endpoints that will get hosted as cloud functions, all from a simple deployment pipeline through Vercel’s hosting platform. This project is in active development and evolving regularly but for those who want a serverless frontend experience with the safety of some backend cloud functions, this is a great option.

TypeScript code is designed to run in nearly any JavaScript-ready environment, which can include browsers, mobile applications, or JavaScript-based entities like Node.js and Deno. Broadly, this language is a valuable tool for coders looking to fine-tune their JavaScript projects, broaden their skill set, and learn more about JavaScript along the way.


Elixir is a functional, concurrent, general-purpose coding language. It works on the BEAM virtual machine that also executes the Erlang programming language. Many industries use Elixir to develop web software, embedded software, data ingestion, and multimedia processing. The top companies to use Elixir are Discord, Pinterest, Ramp, PagerDuty, Brex, etc.

You must wonder from time to time – Is elixir growing in popularity? The answer is right in front of you – more now than ever before. It may be relatively new, but still continuously gaining popularity amid the community of developers and businesses alike. Why? As the world goes through a digital shift, there’s a lot of burden on the system to manage and handle the huge number of concurrent users. However, since Elixir runs on BEAN VM, the programming language is concurrent, it can easily handle the increase in the number of users.

Elixir is a functional, concurrent, general-purpose programming language designed for writing simple shell scripts. The language is dynamic and has support for both static typing and dynamic typing. It is implemented as cross-platform web applications written in JavaScript.

Swift 4

Check your compatibility with different versions of ios- Ensure your app is compatible with the latest version of ios otherwise, it will wash all your expectations. If your app is best with the current version, but the user is using the previous version, he may not be satisfied with your app and remove it.

Due to the countless device resolutions and screen sizes, it is quite tough to certify that your app is compatible with the platform. This is in addition to avoiding or minimizing bugs and crashes for users who are still on the older versions of the operating system.

iPhone has been a household name for a while, so no one could tell when it came into the market. The chances are that you have the latest model but cannot tell which was the first model. This article will expound more on the software operation and iPhone since its inception.


React is a UI development library written in JavaScript. Facebook and an open-source developer community run it. Although React is a library and not a language, its usage in web development is rampant. The library was introduced in May 2013 and is currently one of the most popular frontend libraries for web development.

Poor documentation – Some developers struggle to keep up with the frequent updates of React documentation and tools with each update. Updating oneself can be difficult if the latest documentation is not available for specific tools, leading to issues with development.

Facebook’s React still rules the roost when it comes to frontend web frameworks and it’s easy to see why. The schism caused by the transition from AngularJS to Angular 2+ still leaves a bad taste for many a frontend dev and, while there are issues, React is at least a consistent experience version to version with few surprises.


Scala, on the other hand, is a functional language. You write a function explaining what you want to do with each element in the collection. Then you tell the collection, “Do what this function tells you to do, and apply it to every element in the collection.”

It’s important to note, though, that Scala requires work to learn it. You don’t get instant gratification like Python, but a delayed one, as with most things you work for. When working with Scala, consider reviewing the Scala Cookbook by Alvin Alexander for more advice that can lead to daily improvement.

Regardless of Scala’s uncertain future in the Data Science ecosystem I think it is still a great language that is worth picking up. This is the case regardless of whether or not one plans to use the language for Data Science. Thank you for reading my article, and have a lovely day!


While Java is certainly an awesome language, there certainly are problems that the language has. The biggest problem I have with the language personally is with JVM itself and is with floating-point design. That being said, not everyone works with ridiculous complex numbers like I do for fun. Do not be like me. I digress, one big problem was that the paradigm was rather strictly object-oriented and did not really have many multi-paradigm aspects. Parallelism and and weirdly declarative language for what one is writing also add to the confusion of some design choices with this language. Also, if you would like to read into a

Java (and most other languages) are imperative languages. Imperative means that you are telling the computer exactly what to do and how to do it. If you want to process all elements in a collection (group of elements), you start an index (usually at 0), then increment it, point it to the next component of the group, then process that.

Java uses the same OOP principle utilized by C++ but offers a broader range of systems to play for. Java codes typically run on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and translate into generic bytecodes, executable on any system. So, Java is one of those few game programming languages that gives developers the ability to develop games for any given system. It is one of the best programming languages for games.


JavaScript is a robust client-side programming language that is open-source. Its primary purpose is to enhance a user’s interaction with a web page. In other words, you can utilize this programming language to improve the vibrancy and engagement of your website. JavaScript is also widely used in the development of games and mobile apps. Excellent speed, cross-browser interoperability, and straightforward semantics are just a few of JavaScript’s essential qualities, providing a seamless developer experience.

JavaScript is used to manage the behavior of web pages. With it, coders can create dynamic web elements such as animated graphics, interactive maps, clickable buttons and more. Programmers who use HTML, CSS and JavaScript in tandem obtain a higher level of website control and can provide a better user experience in terms of navigation and readability.

JavaScript is the most common coding language in use today around the world. This is for a good reason: most web browsers utilize it and it’s one of the easiest languages to learn. JavaScript requires almost no prior coding knowledge — once you start learning, you can practice and play with it immediately.

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